Ical Import Calendar Options

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Use this feature to setup ical import including Google Calendar, Yahoo Calendar and Apple Ical.

If importing from Google Calendar and your data does not import, please see Troubleshooting #6 here.



Feature Description (refer to numbers in above picture)

1)On / Off:  Turn importing of a Calendar on or off.


2)Name:  Arbitrary name to help you remember what each calendar is.  With the exception of Spreadsheet Table (Excel only), this field never appears on any generated Calendar types.


3)Google Calendar ICAL address:  See here for info on obtaining this.  This address should look something like: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/calendarname%40gmail.com/private-a3c341234561efbf98ff0e1e19/basic.ics .  Note, if more then one ICAL address is available, be sure to use the Private ICAL to get all appointments.  You can also work off-line by having the ICAL file saved to your local drive.  In this case this entry would look something like c:\MyFolder\MyCalendar.ics . This feature also works with Yahoo and other Calendar ICAL data.  However, WinCalendar is only tested & developed against Google & Yahoo Calendar ICAL data.


4)Prefix:  If desired enter text to show up before each appointment item (but after any appointment time).  This may be useful for distinguishing between appointments from different calendars - especially if printing to a black and white printer.


5)Show End Time:  When checked imported appointments will show the end time.  Applies to all appointments with a start and end time (does not apply to all-day appointments).  Note, end time is always shown for Agenda.


6)Show Location:  If a location is set in Outlook, WinCalendar will display the location in parenthesis ().


7)Show long description:  If set this will display the long description (aka: appointment body).  Due to size restrictions, this is only available for Schedule, Agenda & Spreadsheet Table.


8)Format:  Bold, Italic, fill color & font color options.


9)Sample: Formatting preview for the selected Calendar.  Note to change the font, refer to the 'Font & Common Properties' dialog.        


10) Delete: Delete a calendar setup.


11) Add Another Google Calendar: Add a calendar setup for up to 3 Calendars - up to 10 Calendars for a Pro license.